Saturday, August 22, 2009

Smkoing? Know how to leave it.

Why need smoking?

If the question is asked that why do you smoke, then you will have no certain answer. You may say “it’s my habit”. Some people may say that they enjoy handling a cigarette. Some say ‘it belongs to their mood and anything like happiness or sadness drives them to do it once more! Some people may also like the gesture they create while smoking. For some people, smoking gives pleasure and or gives relax if they are tense of upset. And for many… it has turned a habit …. Nonsense… all is nonsense.

Smoking can give you an excitement or a feeling of energy for few minutes but after that you don’t have anything to say like … “Just look at my face … how good I am…. because I have smoked a cigarette just few minutes back… in fact you can’t say like this. You actually want to quit it, and after smoking each cigarette, you think… enough is enough …. This is my last cigarette… no more smoking now! But nobody stays with such commitment and after few hours, you begin it again. So problem is not that you have become habitual of it, but problem is that you have no control on yourself.

You don’t need to smoke at all as it gives you nothing. All you need to do is to find out the ways to meet the needs can make it easier to give up tobacco and if you are able to find these needs that smoking fills for you… then you can fulfil them by other similar but positive and healthy ways.

Smoking leads aging

  • People who smock look older than those who don’t smoke while they are elder than them.
  • A ten years period of smoking changes the skin irreversible. After that you cannot do anything for you skin!
  • Daily smoking makes faster the natural process of aging the skin and causes wrinkles as well.
  • This habit narrows the blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin.
  • Its also causes loose of skin. Skin loses its elastin and collagen. It damages the fibre that gives strength and elasticity of you skin.
  • It is also a reason of premature thinning and greying of the hair.
  • The chances are double to be bald for a smoker than a non-smoker.
  • Smoking one cigarette decreases the calibre of blood vessels for up to 90 minutes.

Cigarette has closest friendship with cancer!

Years of research has proven that there is a clear link between cancer and smoking. Smoking has appeared as only one of the major reasons, spreading several cancers rapidly throughout the world. Smoking is the reason in nine lung cancer cases out of ten. Lung cancer is known as a dangerous disease as it has the lowest survival rate among all types of cancer cases.

So if you also love a cigarette like a friend or likely more than it… then your are in fact counting the countdown of your life…. does it sounds bad… but it is real dear…

Other effects of white smoke

Smoking also causes many other deadly diseases and harms every organ of body. Other diseases caused by smoking are leukaemia, Stomach cancer , cataract, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, kidney cancer, pneumonia, peritonitis , lung cancer, throat cancer, oral cancer, and many more. Do you still feel you should smoke? If want really… then think again.

Woman? Pregnant? Smoking? Too bad idea!

Smoking is more dangerous in case woman. And if she is pregnant, then it is really going to be worst for her. How? Then know…

  • Smoking during pregnancy can lead pre mature birth. It happens due to premature rapture of membranes. Smoking forces the body of a pregnant to birth the baby before the time.

  • Miscarriage is also led by smoking. A woman who smokes during the pregnancy may get miscarriage. It can also decrease your fertility.

  • Smoking during the pregnancy increases the chances stillbirth.

  • Smoking during the pregnancy increases chances of Sudden infant death syndrome. During the pregnancy, smoking leads respiratory infection to the baby. And there are many more diseases which may happen to a woman if she smokes or if she is pregnant.

How to leave it?

Leaving to smoking let you look younger. It also minimises the chances of numerous diseases. Here are some easy ways which help you with leaving your habit of smoking.

  • There are lots of herbs, drugs which help you to leave smoking. However always consult doctors before taking them.
  • If you feel good to handle a cigarette then why don’t handle a pencil? Hold it and try to resist the temptation of having cigarette in you hand.
  • You can also chew gums when you feel desire to smoke a cigarette. This will redirect you mind in another direction.
  • Drink lots of water and fruit juice using a straw. It can satisfy your urge to hold a cigarette in mouth.
  • Stress and tension often drive you to smoke. If you are tensed or stressed, then make walking, sports, aerobic your need at that time, instead a packet of cigarette.
  • If you feel the urge to taste a cigarette, take some deep breaths of fresh air and hold it in for a few seconds.
  • Make you self out to you friends that you don’t smoke now. Now you will fell hesitation to smoke because it’ll be the matter of you ego and you never want that anybody will hurt it.
  • If you always smoke in alone… then don’t let yourself be alone. Be always with somebody.
  • Build up a support group with your smoking friends who plan to quit smoking. They give you the needed motivation to quit smoking.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Meaning of Live-in relationship in present context

When globalisation knocked us in early nineties, our country opened doors for western culture, ideas and lifestyles. Right from its beginning, globalisation has been influencing us in many different ways. Live-in relationship is one them plays a vital role in our life. Live-in relationship means to a lifestyle in which couples live together without getting married or without any social recognition of relationship. It is still considered an awful act in Indian contrast, but in metro cities, it is not a rare phenomenon.

Although, live-in relationship still has different meanings for different people. In some cases, it is not a wonder and couples do not has to face peculiarity, but others have experienced with confusion of public about the relation because they are living together without getting married and discard, angriness, violence by both family and society.

Of course, it is all about the human rights and in modern world we are more opened to proceed as per freeness of rights we have been given. But it is also a truth that live-in couples do not have strong support either from society or government. In fact there are lots of obsessions which have to be proved and validated before we can say a live-in relationship right or wrong.

Many grounds are there, on which a live-in relationship is tracked. In some cases, couples live together because they are in love and want to expend more time together plus they also want to bear out that whether they are well matched for each other? Some couples move for live in relationship because they don’t want to bind themselves in marriage or even don’t want to get married.

A number of couples promote live-in relationship because they don’t believe in long- term relationship and want to be free from any commitment. Some couples figure-out that their partner is not a suitable match for them but they want to keep the relation sustain until they find suitable partner. Some couples have very different respond for live-in relationship like they can save money if they live together.

However, live-in relationship is a matter that does not have any background or field of experience thus could be called moderate. It still requires a judicial and social explanation so could be called correct or incorrect in Indian context.